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If you are looking to start a business with more protection towards you personally. Then forming an LLC also known as a limited liability company is a good idea. Regardless of which type of business you will be forming, some paperwork is always needed such as an operating agreement contract.


Operating Agreement is a document that is always used for companies that decide to become LLCs because it outlines all the financial decisions and how the company will be operate, regulated guideline and provisions. The reason for this document is to enforce the way the business owners want the business to operate. Once the document is signed by all the members of the LLC company. It will serve as a contract saying that they agree to the terms on paper.







  • The judicial council forms required for your specified Court.

  • The judicial council forms required for your Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure.

  • Fee Waiver (If Applicable)

  • Court Filing

  • Unlimited revisions for 30 days along with lifetime customer support.



why prep xpress

-Californians have long desired a Legal Document Preparation Company that embodies the core principals of a concierge service. It has become increasingly difficult and extremely time consuming for a person to navigate the California Judicial System on their own. Even after you spend countless hours attempting to prepare your own documents, you have to spend another full day in Court trying to file your documents.  If your documents are rejected, guess what, you start all over again. Sounds like fun right?


Other Companies have attempted to fill this void to no avail. While they will assist you in preparing your documents, they leave it up to you to file and subsequently serve your documents. You still end up confused and frustrated with the process. Prep Xpress has formulated a system that allows you to handle everything from the comfort of your home. 


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